MCT 0.1 documentation

1. Preparing a computer

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1. Preparing a computer

1.1. Download and install Ubuntu Natty

MCT currently been tested and is known to work on ubuntu Natty (11.04). A USB-key/CD installation image for Natty can be downloaded from ubuntu’s ‘old-releases’ Download the appropriate ‘Desktop CD’ image for your machine

Next burn the install image to either a USB-key or CD. Links to instruction for doing this are given below.

Install the operating system on the desired PC. Note, you may need to change the boot order in the BIOS so that the target computer will boot from the USB key or CD.

1.2. Update sytem software to latest available

Since Natty is an older distribution, which is past end of life, it is no longer getting updates. For this reason it is necessary to modify the location from which the package manager “apt” searches for software. This is done by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file. Note this must be as root or w/ sudo. Make the following changes to the sources.list file:

  • replace all instances of and with
  • comment out the following two lines (by placing a # in front)
deb natty main
deb-src htt://extras.ubuntu/ubuntu natty main

After making the changes run the following to commands to upgrade the software.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

1.3. Install the base software

The following script can be run to install the base software required for the system. .

# Install ROS
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb natty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-electric-desktop-full

# Install base software requirements
sudo apt-get install vim mercurial git bzr openssh-server ipython

# Create ROS_LOCAL directory and download mct and mct_config
mkdir ~/ros

# Download and install mct and mct_config
cd ros
hg clone
hg clone
cd ~/

# Setup bash for mct
python ~/ros/mct_config/

Download this script from here. Make it executable using

chmod u+x mct_base_setup

and run the script as shown below


Note, during the installation there maybe several prompts - answer yes to all question.

This will install ROS and seveal other packages required to install the remaining dependencies using rosdep. It will also make some required changes to the system’s environment variables. When the script is finished close the current shell and open a new before proceeding with the install.

Note, you can test ROS by running


Should work without errors, use ctl-c to exit.

1.3.1. Issues:

  • I had to edit mct_config/bash/mct_setup.bash to remove references to “albert” and replace with “wbd”. We will probably want this to be automatic. May want to modify so that this replacement occurs automatically - or replace with $HOME ... not sure which is best.
  • had to edit mct_config/bash/mct_setup.bash to change ROS_MASTER_URI definition.
  • pydc1394 didn’t install correctly. It downloaded, but python stuff didn’t run. Needed to do this manually. Happened both machines.

1.4. Install MCT’s dependencies using rosdep

Update the list of ROS packages with the following command

rospack profile

This will display a list of the packages that are visible to ROS. Make sure that


are on the list.

Install MCT’s dependencies using rosdep with the following command

rosdep install mct

Again durning the installation process there will be occasional prompts - answer yes to all.

1.5. Build the MCT ROS package

First, cd into mct directory ~/ros/mct. Then run


Build will take awhile. After the build has finished run the python program found in the ~/ros/mct directory.

python ~/ros/mct/

1.6. Set device permissions

In order to run MCT the user must have permissions to access the cameras and various serial devices.

1.6.1. Setup permisions for 1394 cameras

  • Add user to video group. Edit (root or sudo) /etc/group and put <username> after “video” item - e.g. video:x:44:<username>.
  • Copy udev rules to appropriate location. “sudo cp ~/ros/mct/mct_computer_admin/99-camera1394.rules /etc/udev/rules.d”
  • logout and back in again for group changes to take effect.
  • force system to reload udev rules. “sudo udevadm control –reload-rules”

Note, at this point it is possible to test the 1396 cameras are working using a program called coriander. First, install coriander via

sudo apt-get -s install coriander

You can then start coriander from the command line or GUI menu. At this point using coriander you should be able to start and view images from any camera attached to the system.

1.6.2. Setup permissions for serial devices

Serial deviced include the - camera_trigger, active_target, pulse-skipper, mightex-serial devices, etc.

  • A template udev file “99-mct-usb-serial.rules” can be found in the ~/ros/mct/mct_computer_admin/misc directory.
  • This file needs to be edited so that the serial numbers of the devices match those for the specific system. (Add notes for figuring out the serial numbers
of the devices).
  • After finishing force a reload of the udev rules “sudo udevadm control –reload-rules”

1.6.3. Generate ssh keys

  • cd into ~/.ssh directory.
  • Create keys with “ssh-keygen -t rsa -C <”.
  • Add to authorized_keys file w/ “cat >> authorized_keys”
  • Add master’s public key ( to each slave’s “authorized_keys” file.
  • Add slaves’s public keys to master’s authorized_keys file.

Note, need to ssh (just once) from the master to each slave. Need to do this with the following command to ensure that the ecdsa algorithm is not used.

ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms='ssh-rsa' <hostname>

Note, master need to knows slaves by name - so need some kind of DNS or add slaves to /etc/hosts file. Also, network setup should be such that for each slave you can ‘ping’ the master from the slave and ‘ping’ the slave from the master. See the following:

1.6.4. Other Notes

In order to run “camera_assignment” and “help” I needed to:

  • Edit machine_def.yaml file to reflect current computer setup. Run “mct update_machine_def”.
  • At this point should be able to run “mct help”, “mct camera_assignment”.

In order to run “tracking_2d” I need to:

  • Edit tracking_2d regions.yaml and camera_pairs.yaml files. Make sure that they only contain the cameras that exist. Cameras are assigned to the correct regions etc.
  • cameras/calibrations Remove all calibrations except that for current camera (required otherwise hangs).
  • logging extra_video.yaml - commented this out as I don’t have a fisheye camera.

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