MCT 0.1 documentation
Indices and tables
1. Preparing a computer
1. Preparing a computer
1.1. Download and install Ubuntu Natty
1.2. Update sytem software to latest available
1.3. Install the base software
1.4. Install MCT’s dependencies using rosdep
1.5. Build the MCT ROS package
1.6. Set device permissions
2. The mct command line utility
2.1. Help
2.2. Basic administration
2.3. Calibration (in order of application)
2.4. Tracking
2.5. Advanced administration
2.6. Testing
3. Random Synchronization Signal
3.1. Hardware Description
3.2. Installation/Upgrade
3.3. USB Communications
4. Appendix
4.1. Finding ATTRS{product} and ATTRS{serial} for your USB/Serial device
Indices and tables
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1. Preparing a computer